Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Analysis of themes in thrillers Smile



Smile (2022 film) - Wikipedia
Smile | Official Trailer (2022 Movie) - YouTube

 3 key themes:

  • Mystery: 
  • Suspense
  • Discovery:

The dentation of the theme mystery in this trailer is finding out why they are getting hunted by the smile and why does it move on from person to person. Another scene is when it comes to the therapist, and she gives in and it just continues (0.32,0.36).


 Another scene is when therapist goes into the room and the patient is just smiling at her which was what she was seeing (1.7,1.13).    

The connotation for the first scene where they would audience question why they are smiling and haunting them by the smile and what is the reason behind all of this. The connotation for the second scene would be when the therapist is getting it its haunting her, she unable to sleep and its been 4 days and she's tired of it. The last scene is where the patient sits in his room and smiles at her and tells her she's going to die. 

I would use mystery in my thriller movie by having and ending with no explanation the why it moves on.


The dentation of the theme suspense in this trailer is when the therapist meets the patient at (0.25,0.30)

the audience would feel fear and in shock to see what is going on with the patient. The second scene where suspense was built was at (0.32,0.35) where the patient comes back and hunts the therapist.


The connotation for the first scene is when we see the sudden change of mood in the patient and she falls onto the floor and this leads the audiences to be worried and stressed about what is going on. The connotation for the second scene is when the audience feel for the therapist when she gets hunted by the smile and has endless nights.

I would use suspense in my thriller movie by having one of the victims still alive. 


The dentation of the theme discovery in this thriller would be when we see that it moves on from one person to another (0.50,1.01)
and its never ending. The second dentation that we see is when the  therapist talks to another patient that is going through it (1.33,1.36).

The connotation for the first scene is when we see that it's not gone stop unless they try and figure out something to see how they can stop and end all of this the audience would feel fear for the therapist. The second commotion for the second scene is when the therapist puts her self in danger and goes and talks to the guy audience feel fear.

I would use discovery in my thriller movie by discovery another secret and what it comes back to people. 











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