Friday 6 October 2023

Rushes Log

Rushes Log Responsibilities 

sadhbis Part of the film/responsibilities


Rushes Log Responsibilities 

Zara Part of the film/responsibilities

Rushes log strengths:


·      Our rushes log shows the amount of shots its going to take to film.

·      It shows what scene were going to use.

·      The rushes log shows how log each scene is going to be 

·      The rushes log shows what zara is going to and Sadhbi.


Rushes log weaknesses:


·      The rushes log is straight forward and might be to vague

·      The rushes log has all our scenes explained and is not to detailed 



Recording Rushes:





In the pictures above you can see me using my rushes footage. The hardship I had was dragging all the footage together into a folder. It was  long process but I found a way to do it. The positive thing was I had the clips in order. 

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